Monday, May 2, 2011

Tasmania - A stock photo journey

On April 8, 2011 24 students and teachers set out on a 2 week long photographic expedition to "that other state" of Tasmania, where t-shirts have one too many holes in them...ah ok enough of the inbred jokes.

My primary motivation for going on this trip was to gather a large stock library of images to use in this semesters folio work. While I have not truly planned out a reasonable portion of my work, I still worked on the assumption that if I might get use out of a photograph, just take it.

I will be the first to concede that this isn't necessarily the best way to work, especially in the latter stages of a degree. Work at this stage should be more thoroughly planned than I have done so far and that fact is starting to wear on me. A certain degree of uncertainty and impromptu shooting can lead to unexpected results, both positive and negative, however should still be kept to a minimum for this type of work.

So, to cut through the fat and get to the point, I did a brief overview of the trip before we departed to get an idea of the types of scenery we may come across and tried to figure what shots I really should get, and what shots may just prove useful later on.

To this end my plan for Tasmania really boiled down to a few simples things

1- Take plenty of coastal shots, including rocky outcroppings.
This was going to be achievable in so many places since we were pretty close to the coast for a large portion of the trip. The 3 most appropriate places for this were Port Arthur, Maria Island and Strahan, although thats not a comprehensive list.

Heres some things I shot for this topic. (Most if not all of these were shot with the intent to become stock, so as standalone photos, they aint much chop)

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

The road into Queenstown

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Wineglass Bay

Maria Island

Near Port Arthur - on route to the Totem Pole

Near Port Arthur - near the Totem Pole

Near Port Arthur - on route to the Totem Pole

Near Port Arthur -near the Totem Pole

Near Port Arthur - on route to the Totem Pole

Near Port Arthur

Port Arthur - shot from the ferry

2- Take plenty of mountainous shots.
Again this topic was going to be quite easy to cover since Tasmania is a relatively hilly state. The most prominent places I had in mind for potential shots were Cradle Mountain and Strahan.

Queenstown - shot only for the hill in the background

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Strahan - shot from the seaplane

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain summit

Cradle Mountain summit

Cradle Mountain summit

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain area - during summit hike

Cradle Mountain - not likely I'd use a shot like this due to recognisability

3. Take some desolate shots
There was only one place I had in mind with regards to this requirement, Queenstown. With its bare hills and mining operations, Queenstown scenery would have proved potentially useful for my Industrial Sector image. Unfortunately the weather and time did not permit me to get any really useful shots here.

Ok so for the most part those were the types of images I was looking to shoot, and I managed to build a large library of images to use for some of this semesters work, now to get to work putting it all together.

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